Development of Modular Array Eddy Current Online Testing System

Date: April 2022 – present (Master project)

This is my graduate research project. The development of an 8-channel array eddy current testing (ECT) system involves hardware system design and software development.

  • Hardware system: Implemented the demodulation of defect signals from the detection coil. Employed analog signal processing and digital filtering to amplify the defect signal, initially at the 0.1V level, to a 1V level. Utilized ZYNQ-7000 with a network interface for efficient data transmission to the host computer.
  • Software development: Utilized CPLD and STM32 to excite coils and demodulate defect signals. Incorporated a DSP chip to execute infinite impulse filter (IIR) and digital-to-analog (DA) outputs. Leveraged the ZYNQ (FPGA + Arm) platform to control the variable gain amplifier and ensure efficient transmission of analog-to-digital (AD) data to the host computer.
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Development of time-division multiplexing module for multi-channel ultrasond detector

This is a undergraduate project I assists guiding, with the goal of developing a multi-channel multiplexing module to expand a multi-channel ultrasound testing device. Through a selection process, different ultrasound probes are connected to the acquisition channels for sampling according to a specified timing sequence, allowing multiple ultrasound probes to share the same acquisition module. This not only extends the channels but also reduces manufacturing costs.

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