Flappy Bird game development based on FPGA

Date: March – June 2022 (Course project)

This project develops Flappy Bird game based on Artix-7 FPGA chip, realizes the use of network interface and HDMI interface.


The overall framework of the project is shown in Fig 1.

Fig. 1 Flappybird

The control information is transmitted through the network interface, and the data packets using the UDP protocol are disassembled layer by layer to obtain valid data, and the LED light is used to indicate. ‘W’, ‘A’ and ‘D’ control the upper, left and right movements respectively, and ‘S’ controls the start of the game.
The game logic is implemented by state machine. The FPGA records the position of the bird and calculates the position of the next frame according to the control information, generates the image of the current frame according to the position of the bird and the background position, and transmits it to the HDMI interface.
The HDMI interface converts the VGA sequential image into an HDMI sequential image and transmits it to the display to display the game screen.


GitHub Link Here.

Flappy Bird game development based on FPGA



Shihao Dong

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